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Data Science

AI, Data Analytics, Intelligent Process Automation and Other Advanced Technologies are allowing companies to differentiate their products to their competitive advantage.

Predictive Analytics

Machine Learning | AI

    data science in qatar

    Data Science Consulting Services

    Data Science Solution

    Baariz’ s Services looks after entire lifecycle. We act as Bridge for our Clients, for building the Value Added chain into the building the solution and product , some client do have business problems and they don’t have point solutions where we act as gap filler and help them with best fit solution to achieve the goal . we Look into the process and provide the best fit Data Science solution for the business problems.

    Data Science Services

    Data science and machine learning are profoundly impacting businesses and are rapidly becoming critical for differentiation, and sometimes, survival. Businesses will continue to adapt to the latest competitive strategies to stay ahead of the curve every day.

    Service Features
    Service Offering
    Our Services
    • Supply Chain Risk and Fraudulent

      Supply chain is backbone of any organization, it may be goods, financial or any other industry, Our solution identified the Risk Areas from supply chain also find out the fraudulent patterns from the data, also predict the Fraudulent and risk, We do believe in providing solution than stating the issues, here we provide the prescription method for the same.

    • AI Demand Sensing

      Demand Sensing is very key role in any Supply chain, our solution leverages the Demand signals from Sales Inquiry, inventory, Promotions, Social media, Buying Pattern and sales behavior of SKU’s and Accurately predict the Demand on SKU level. Our AI based Demand sensing helps, Improve the accuracy of Demand, identify fast moving SKU’s, proactively handle the long trail and the ability to manage the Fast fulfilment / Handling of sudden Demands.

    • AI Procure

      Buying is the Smart move in any organization, but the Question is what? When? From whom? Our Engine supports to take the decision along three important question and also taking care the total cost, and manage the Spend Performance, This will help in managing the Budget improvement, Saving hence contributing to Organization profitability and Cashflow, It also help in Budget Management.

    • Inventory Optimization

      Robust IQ Engine provide the Holistic View of Inventory and shows the different scenario of inventory with the help of Inventory IQ Engine  also helps with Inventory Markdown when, what and how and provide the solution of inventory Management and inventory Distribution, Inventory solution will help organization to reduce the cost of distribution, Optimization of safety stock and maximize the gross margin of sales and buy and contribute to revenue growth.

    Our Approach

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